A short stack of books lay propped against the bowl, and I could barely contain my excitement at the prospect of reading come morning. 碗上斜靠着一小摞书,一想到明天就能读这些书,我激动不已。
In short, just having a non-executable stack isn't enough. 简而言之,仅只是拥有非可执行的堆栈是不足够的。
Because the service time of the wet-desulphurizing process is not very long, so it is short of the design experiences for the stack and there are many problems to be solved in design. 因湿法脱硫工艺运行时间不长,对采用该工艺的烟囱设计还缺乏经验,设计中存在不少有待解决的问题。
Their short term roadmap includes adding detailed monitoring of other parts of the Rails stack like Mongrel and PostgreSQL. 他们的短期目标包括增加更详细的对Rails栈其它部分的监控,例如Mongre和PostgreSQL。
Short people should pray for a return to the Seventies fashion of stack heels, for the power of jealousy depends on how tall you are, the British weekly New Scientist says. 个子矮的人应该乞求回归到70年代高跟鞋流行的年代,因为英国周刊《新科学家》称,一个人的嫉妒心的强烈程度决定于这个人的高度。
You know, the short stack really is the perfect amount. 你知道,短堆积式才是最完美的量。
I could use a short stack stat. 我都可以拿奥斯卡小金人了。
Aimed at this kind problems proceed with long wavelength statics and short wavelength surface nonconforming problem analyses put forward to use part of geophone offset stack to identify long wavelength statics problem technique and surface nonconforming segmented statistical approximation technique. 针对此类问题,从长波长静校正问题及短波长地表非一致性问题分析入手,提出部分炮检距叠加识别长波长静校正技术及分段统计逼近地表非一致性校正技术。
Application of plant growth regulators to production of oranges includes the following aspects; cutting and taking root, sprouting, protecting flower and fruit, thinning flower and fruit, controlling the growth of short-stack trunks; 植物生长调节剂在柑桔上应用包括下列多方面:插条生根、促进萌发、保花保果、疏花疏果、控制生长矮化株形、促进果实成熟等。
The center of mass calculated by weight average can be closer to the cluster stack with short distance data, which can weaken the effect of the calculation about the cluster center with isolated data deviating from the cluster stack. 计算加权均值得到的质心能够更加靠近簇的距离较近的数据堆,从而削弱了包含孤立点的簇计算质心时偏离数据堆的情形。
Short stack is used to realize the entry point search, and masking is used to support packet tracing. Therefore, the algorithm can work efficiently on the data-parallel structure of GPU. 算法使用短栈实现进入点搜索,并利用掩码支持多光线的并行遍历,适合在GPU的高数据并行结构上运行。